In January, we went to Cabo for a week with Mark's aunt & uncle. Just in time for our next trip, I finished putting together the pictures from that trip!
I took a pic of the plane before we boarded, a selfie of our selves natch, and we got to watch our plane get de-iced from inside! Also, some views (we still don't know which mountain, or what body of water). And Tom Douglases hideous brisket. If you're going to put your name on it, expect to be called out.
Happy Honeymoon from the restaurant at the resort. We were soooooooo tired. There was a wonderfully loud and bright wedding over the beach next to our rooms, a gecko on the wall, and a heart in the sand.
The view from our balcony, waking up, and the Magnificent Frigatebird. I like to think there are an equal number of unattractive pictures of each of us. Although I think all pics of Mark are attractive, he doesn't agree and it's a free country.
Waves and sunrise. You're going to see a lot of waves, and a lot of sunrises.
Another resort in San Jose del Cabo, from every angle because it was very sunny! And the Puerto Los Cabos Cross. P.S. While I was researching this I looked at a blog which literally copied and pasted the text from that link. Bad form!
The "pirate ship" and a helicopter. The pirate ship was one of the dozens that went out every morning for whale watching, and came back every night a party boat. We could see the whales from our room, and you knew where to look because of all the boats around.
So we walk up the beach before breakfast or showering. This couple offers to take our picture seen here. Then they ask us to take their picture, and another. And another. They probably have a dozen really good pictures! Lesson learned.
Fishermen left dead fish on the beach, fish they'd brought for bait or fish they caught but didn't keep. Mark threw one to the gulls, but they weren't having it.
There's an invisible crab bottom left! The cutest invisible thing ever.
Seagulls! Just like home.
The Brown Pelican counterintuitively has a very colorful face.
Sunset! Sunsets were quick.
We even saw whales from the pool.
Pelican rock, right outside our rooms.
The fish spa. I know it's not legal here, because we don't know if the fish liked it, but these fish really seemed to like it.
Our rooms, and the outdoor lobby at the resort.
Walking around town, and it started pouring. Time for lunch across from the flea market!
The marina, and the Cashola machine. Not to be confused with payola.
I'm taking pictures of pelicans like they're unicorns, and the fisherman just laughed and said, "Chickens." Bottom right had a broken wing, but he seemed to get around alright.
A snowy egret! And a cutie I haven't identified yet, bottom left.
Plaza Amelia Wilkes. This guy on the street asked if I'd like to hold his lizard. Mark would have bet money I'd answer gracias, no but instead I asked cuanto cuesta? $2 to hold a lizard and let Mark take pictures. But the lizard on my head was a surprise, and a freebie. Later we saw our friend feeding the lizard, and feel like everybody won. When we walked away, Mark told me now is the time to use my hand sanitizer. To which I said I didn't bring any. Bam.
I can't even describe everything here, except in person I could, but the Showgirls is what we like to call the saddest strip club in the history of ever anywhere.
What is that old building? We thought it was the El Faro Viejo, the Old Lighthouse but now that I'm looking at it I think it has a really different roofline. We spent eternity looking for and finally found Cabo Wabo! And the promised party boats at night.
Flowers and the beach at the other resort in San Jose.
This whale was right below our window.
A Mexican Woodpecker! Maybe a Ladder-backed Woodpecker, but I haven't studied enough to put money on it. I noticed him because of his call like a monkey. And a Coke tree! Known by its Coke fruits.
Bottom right, he's caught a fish, and there's a little fish tail flopping out.
This guy knew when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Constant construction outside, so here's a pic of one of the machines.
A dinner party with Chef Rene! Trust me there was amazing food, but when two armfuls of liquor came out, I told Mark it was picture time.
At the pool with equally hideous bruises. My perpetual joke, "You should see the other guy *points at Mark*". And a huge cricket!
Lizards at the resort! And an Argentinian steakhouse. There's a table on top of a well with a glass cover and a light inside.
Our last day. The flight was delayed, so lunch was on Alaska! Yeah, Alaska Airlines!